The Impacts of Public Transport Fare Reductions on Daily Mobility Habits. A Study within the Scope of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona
Year of relationship: 2024
- Oriol Nel·lo Colom (GURB) (Dirreció)
- Núria Pérez Sans (Institut Metròpoli) (Dirreció)
- Andrea Visioli Conti (GURB)
- Jordi Martin Oriol (GURB)
- Joan Checa Rius (Institut Metròpoli)
- Xavier Bach Coma (Institut Metròpoli)
Institution: Autoritat del Transport Metropolità
The study conducted by the Institut Metròpoli and the Group for Energy, Territory, and Society Studies (GURB) at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), commissioned by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM), aims to evaluate the impact of discounts applied to public transport fares in the territorial scope of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona (SIMMB) from autumn 2022 onwards. This analysis seeks to guide public administrations and provide a better understanding of the repercussions on transport service provision, socioeconomic factors, and potential structural changes in metropolitan mobility.
The study is divided into two main sections. In the first, the team from the Institut Metròpoli collects information on contextual events that have significantly influenced mobility in recent years and conducts an analysis of the mobility habits and behaviors of residents in the province of Barcelona, based on various surveys. In the second section, GURB carries out a specific analysis of the free Rodalies service, using validation data from transport tickets across the SIMMB area, with particular attention to 19 specific localities where intercity bus lines intersect with Rodalies Renfe railway services.
Below, you can consult an executive summary of the study, as well as details of its two main sections
- Report of Informe rebaixa TPúblic Institut Metròpoli
- Report of Informe FFPT GURB
Nel·lo Colom, O. [Oriol]; Pérez Sans, N. [Núria]; Visioli Conti, A. [Andrea]; Martin Oriol, J. [Jordi]; Checa Rius, J. [Joan]; Bach Coma, X. [Xavier]. (2024). The Impacts of Public Transport Fare Reductions on Daily Mobility Habits. A Study within the Scope of the Integrated Metropolitan Mobility System of Barcelona