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Trajectories of residential exclusion of single-parent households in the municipalities of Besòs

Year of relationship: 2023


  • Albert Sales
  • Laura Porzio

Institution: Consorci del Besòs

The research on trajectories of residential exclusion of single-parent households in the Besòs municipalities is associated with the development of the VESTA project, an initiative of public administrations and social entities. It is a comprehensive social support pilot project, aimed at women with dependent children who are homeless. The main objective is to provide these families, who have serious difficulties in accessing housing, with a stable and safe housing solution and comprehensive social support.

In this framework, the Social Rights and Public Policy Area of ​​the Metropoli Institute carries out qualitative research with three objectives: (1) identify the factors that facilitate the recovery of homeless single-parent households served by social services; (2) identify processes for improving the professional practice of the people involved in social support for single-parent families without a home and the factors that facilitate or hinder this improvement; (3) identify processes for improving the governance of social care in single-parent households and the factors that facilitate or hinder this improvement; (3) Approximate the cost structure of different social care methodologies for single-parent families without a home.

This report presents the results of the first phase of the research aimed at analyzing the life trajectories of the women participating in the VESTA project and of a group of 10 women who have experienced similar situations and who are cared for by the services social.


Sales, A. [Albert]; Porzio, L. [Laura]. (2023). Trajectories of residential exclusion of single-parent households in the municipalities of Besòs