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Victims of traffic accidents in the metropolitan area of Barcelona

Year of relationship: 2024


  • Marc Vila Recio
  • Miquel Rueda Garcia
  • Núria Pérez Sans (coordinació)

Institution: AMB

This report aims to provide a brief analysis of the main trends and key data regarding traffic accidents and victims registered in the metropolitan area for the period 2009-2023. It includes a specific section focused on bicycle accidents with the aim of giving continuity to previous studies.

The research highlights, among other data, that 15,000 people were victims of traffic accidents in 2023 in the metropolis of Barcelona, 46 of which were killed. It is 48% of the whole of Catalonia in terms of victims, and 20% in relation to the dead. Despite remaining significantly lower than pre-pandemic years, an increase in accidents is once again occurring, particularly in seriously injured people, which have increased by 60% in the last 4 years.


Vila Recio, M. [Marc]; Rueda Garcia, M. [Miquel]; Pérez Sans, N. [Núria]. (2024). Victims of traffic accidents in the metropolitan area of Barcelona