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Implementing Children’s Participation Platforms. Active citizens in decision-making (IMCITIZEN)

Funding entity: Programa CERV-2022-CHILD de la Unió Europea (número 101100864)

Participating entities:

  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Universidad de A Coruña
  • Federación Provincial de Asociaciones de Padres de Alumnos de Colegios Públicos de A Coruña
  • Asociación Los Glayus (Astúries)
  • Universitat Complutense de Madrid
  • Ajuntament de Mislata (Comunitat Valenciana)
  • Asociación Centro Trama (Castella-La Manxa)

Duration of the project: 24 mesos (entre febrer 2023-gener 2024)

Main investigator: Ana Novella (Grup de Recerca en Educació Moral, de la Universitat de Barcelona)

Researchers at Institut Metròpoli: Emma Cortés Maurel

Amount funded: 417.492,23€


IMCITIZEN promotes the identity of democratic citizenship of girls and boys as active and committed members of their municipalities and identifies strategies that favor the increase of citizen initiation rates, decision-making and commitment in the mechanisms of child participation. It also seeks systemic changes so that child participation mechanisms have a significant impact on public policies and the education of children’s civic and democratic identity through child citizen participation platforms.

See the project's website