About to celebrate our first forty years of history, we begin a new stage, with a change of corporate brand: new name and visual identity. This decision,  widely thought out collectively, allows us to adapt our image, the way in which we project who we are and what we do, to the objectives, strategies and new challenges facing our Institute today.

The Metropolis Institute transmits, as we firmly believe, our commitment to the environment and the will to accompany public policies and citizen practices.  It also shows, unequivocally, that  our central focus of study is the metropolis and highlights  our rigor and independence as a reference in urban research in our country.  And all this, maintaining  the knowledge that society, the academic world and the public administration have of us and our differentiated identity, valuing continuity with our  trajectory.


The image  of the Metropolis Institute was born from the IERMB and consists of two identifying elements.  A dynamic symbol, born from a metropolitan fabric, and a logo. The symbol is born from the old brand of the IERMB where, from a geometric modulation, a plot of the territory is generated. This new symbol also becomes an “M” of Metropolis.


What we have done has been a long road, in which the entire team of the organization has participated, which has expressed this need to update our identity.

The new brand that defines the Institute fits with our 2020-2023 strategy, an innovative strategy, aimed at generating and sharing quality and socially useful knowledge that helps to build the right to the metropolis.  An image  that accompanies this research that we carry out  and that aims to impact public policies and address the challenges related tosocio-cultural  issues, the climate emergency, and  technological and economic transformations.

Another of the aspects included in this new stage that we are beginning is the growth and sustained diversification in terms of activity and the human team.  Currently, 77 people work there, of which 54 are researchers, who carry out a processof participatory and interdisciplinary work.


Metròpoli Institute has its social headquarters in the Bellaterra campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Autonomous University of Barcelona(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Campus of Bellaterra
Plaça del Coneixement, edifici MRA, p. 2
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)


tel.: 93 586 88 80

Opening hours for the public: 8-15h

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