The staff of Institut Metròpoli is organized into three main groups: scientists, technicians and management services.

The scientist team gathers licensed doctors in different fields of social sciences, such as geography, sociology, economics, environmental science, anthropology, political science, …

The technical services team brings together professionals in the fields of mapping, statistics, computer science and methods of fieldwork.

The management team includes: management, leadership, accounting management, personnel management, the secretariat, the management of the documentation center and the management of the transparency portal and public procurement.


Sandra Aguilera Moyano

Regional and urban economics

Sandra Aguilera Moyano

Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2008). Research Master in Applied Economics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2012). The areas in which I work are the regional and urban economy.

Before joining the IERMB, I worked as an intern for the Study Service of “la Caixa” in 2007 and during the period 2008-2010 I participated in the Collaboration Scholarship Program with the Department of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Since March 2011 I have been part of the team of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona as a researcher in the Area of Regional and Urban Economy.


Pau Alarcon Pérez

Sociologist and statistician
Social Rights and Public Policies

Pau Alarcon Pérez

PhD in Public Policy (UAB), degree in Sociology (UCM) and diploma in Statistics (UMH). I have been a professor and researcher at Pompeu Fabra University, the University of Barcelona and the Institute of Advanced Social Studies (IESA-CSIC). I have published more than thirty academic articles, book chapters and research reports, which have been presented at more than 40 congresses and conferences.

I develop my research from a mainly quantitative perspective, but also combining qualitative approaches. My lines of research have been the processes of political participation and participatory democracy, although at present it focuses on the field of social rights and public policies.

Since June 2022 I have been part of the Metropolis Institute team as a researcher in the Social Rights and Public Policies Area.

Aïda Alemany Sagalà

Aïda Alemany Sagalà

Civil Engineer

Aïda Alemany Sagalà

Engineer of Roads, Canals and Ports (UPC, 2008), I studied the master’s degree in territorial and urban studies at the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (2010). Graduated in education (2019), I have worked in the private company carrying out studies of generated mobility and analysis of transport networks.

For a few years I also worked as a teacher. Since July 2020 I have been working in the mobility area of ​​the IERMB

Diana Alfonso Bécares

Diana Alfonso Bécares


Diana Alfonso Bécares

PhD in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2023) Master in Economics and Political Science (Univ. Montpellier, 2010), MSc in Societies, Territories and Natural Resources Management (IAMM, 2009), Degree in Environmental Biology (Univ. Oviedo, 2005).

My research focuses on the characterization of socio-ecological systems through the description of the diversity of living conditions and their interrelationships with the ecological policies and state of the systems. I am interested in multi-scale methodologies that integrate multi-criteria indicators to represent biophysical and social limits, as well as participatory methods to analyze decision making and change perspectives.

I have had the opportunity to work in agrobiodiversity management studies (Chile, Mali) and environmental policy effects analysis (Mexico) as well as in specialized scientific writing (France).


David Andrés Argomedo


David Andrés Argomedo

Graduated in Physical Sciences (UB, 2006) and European Master in Meteorology (2007), I have developed my professional career in the field of urban habitability, both in private consultancy and in public bodies.

I have worked mainly in mobility planning, specializing in its externalities: air pollution, noise and social cohesion.

As a mobility technician, I have been part of the IERMB team since June 2018. In particular, I have participated in the Metropolitan Urban Mobility Plan of the AMB and in studies relating to the social perspective in mobility.


Marta Andreu Espuña


Marta Andreu Espuña

Degree in Geography from the University of Barcelona (2012), Master in Geographic Information Technologies (2014) and Official Master in Geoinformation (2018).

Professionally, I focused on the application of Geographical Information Systems in health and urban planning through the development, exploitation and analysis of Georeferenced Databases

I have worked for 2 years as a consultant in a health planning consultancy participating in international projects applying Geographical Information Systems

Since July 2016 I have been part of the Cartography Area of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona, working on the development of the Georeferenced Database of facilities of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and making its exploitation


Fernando Antón Alonso

Social and Urban Cohesion

Fernando Antón Alonso

Degree in Sociology (Complutense University of Madrid, 2004), Specialist in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (CIS, 2006), DEA from the Department of Sociology II (Human Ecology and Population) of the Complutense University of Madrid (2007) and Postgraduate in Economic and Social Management of the City (UOC, 2009).

My research activity started in the Dept. of Human Ecology and Population at the Complutense University of Madrid with research focused on the metropolitan dynamics of labor and housing markets and residential exclusion. Later, in Catalonia, I continued my specialization in urban issues, housing, social exclusion and research and data analysis techniques by participating in different applied and academic research projects at the local, regional and European level that had as common denominators social cohesion, residential exclusion or specific analyzes on vulnerable groups or at risk of social exclusion.

In 2015 I joined the Society Area of the IERMB for the first time for a period of 10 months which continued in 2016 with my re-joining this same area. My contribution is concrete in the realization of studies framed in applied and academic research with the territorial perspective as a capital element of the analyses. I have carried out studies on urban vulnerability, gentrification, social and urban cohesion, living conditions, labor vulnerability and local work systems. I participated in the drafting of the diagnosis documents of the Metropolitan Urban Master Plan (PDUM). I am currently part of the team that designs and develops the Urban Cohesion Survey (ECURB).


Aleix Arcarons Camps

Co-director of the Observatori Metropolità de l’Habitatge de Barcelona

Aleix Arcarons Camps

Graduated in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, ​​UPC (2015). I completed the master’s degree in MSc Spatial Data Science and Visualization by The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, University College of London (2020) and the postgraduate degree in sustainability and architecture by the Sert School, Official College of Architects of Catalonia (2016 ).

I specialize in spatial data analysis and geographic information science.

I was awarded a postgraduate scholarship from Fundació La Caixa within the specialty of architecture and urban planning (2019) and the Architectural Association Visiting School Barcelona scholarship (2013). I have done academic and professional stays in Milan, London, Fredericia and Lesvos.


Pol Armengod Ruiz

Computer Technician
Computer Science

Pol Armengod Ruiz

Graduated in network computer systems administration (Cultural 2020). Graduated in network computer systems administration in cyber security profile (ITB 2021).

I started as a trainee student at the Pere verges Badalona school in 2019 as an IT assistant.

My stay at the IERMB began in January 2022 as an assistant technician in the IT department and I have been doing it until now.


Xavier Bach Coma


Xavier Bach Coma

Degree in Geography from the University of Barcelona (2011). Master’s degree in Logistics, Mobility and Transport from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2016).

I previously worked as a mobility technician at the Intra SL consultancy for 4 years, writing mobility, traffic and road safety studies and specializing in traffic microsimulation.

In 2012, I spent time in a Belgian urban planning office, as part of an internship agreement.

Since June 2017 I have been part of the team of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona as a researcher in the area of mobility.


Alexandra Batlló Soriano

Administration & HR

Alexandra Batlló Soriano

Degree in Administration and Finance from the Sant Francesc School and student of the double degree in Law and Management and Public Administration from the University of Barcelona.

My career is focused on the management of public bodies and public companies, he has worked at Barcelona Activa as a Junior Administrator.

I am currently part of the Administration and Human Resources department of the Institute.

Paula Brines Blasco

Paula Brines Blasco


Paula Brines Blasco

I am a journalist from Empordà with a Minor in Gender Studies from UAB. I have worked in various media outlets, such as Onada Feminista, Infok, and Ràdio Capital de l’Empordà, and I have experience in corporate communication. Throughout my career, I have developed an audiovisual project for the promotion of the UAB Open Labs and have also worked in Brussels promoting the 2024 European Elections campaign and European projects aimed at university students with the European Students’ Union (EU).


Laura Calvet Mir


Laura Calvet Mir

PhD in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2011), master’s in Ecological Economics (UAB, 2007) and degree in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2006).

My research has mainly focused on urban and rural agriculture, agroecological transitions and biocultural diversity in a context of global change, with particular attention to climate change. In the study of local socio-ecological systems, he has combined ethnographic approaches with quantitative methods such as statistics and social network analysis. My main research interests are agrobiodiversity, agroecology, ecosystem services, ethnoecology, political ecology and traditional ecological knowledge.

Since 2014 I have been the coordinator of the postgraduate program in local agro-ecological revitalization at the UAB and since 2017 I have been part of the SGR Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab) at the UOC. Since June 2022 I have been part of the Urban Sustainability team, focusing on the food systems part.


Susana Cano Arias

Administration & HR

Susana Cano Arias

Countable administrative officer, with 20 years of experience in the private sector.

In 2014 I started my career at IERMB, as a medium technique, to support the accounting and human resources department.


Antoni Carneros Escudero


Antoni Carneros Escudero

Degree in Geography (2002), Master in Applied Climatology (2004) and Master in Geographic Information Systems (2008) from the University of Barcelona, ​​I have developed my professional career around cartography, database management and geospatial analysis, both in private consultancy and public bodies.

I have worked mainly in the areas of urban planning, market and network analysis, logistics and mobility. I also work as an associate professor at the University of Barcelona.

Since February 2023 I have been part of the Institut Metròpoli team as a GIS technician in the mobility area.


Jorge Cátedra Martínez

Head of Work Field

Jorge Cátedra Martínez

Degree in Sociology and the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (UB, 2000). Postgraduate in Advanced Social Research Techniques (UB, 2001). Postgraduate Diploma in Contemporary Migrations and Interculturality (UAB, 2010).

I started my professional career as a freelancer with sample design assignments, as well as Customer and User Satisfaction studies.

I developed my research career at the IERMB in the area of Territory and Mobility, the area of Economy and the Social area.

I am currently developing my research in the methodological field of Fieldwork, transversally, in collaboration with all areas of the IERMB.

Mercè Cortina Oriol

Mercè Cortina Oriol

Political scientist and sociologist
Social Rights and Public Policies

Mercè Cortina Oriol

Doctorate in Political Sciences (University of the Basque Country, 2013), Postgraduate in Higher Education (De Monfort University Leicester, 2020), Postgraduate in Participatory Democracy (University of the Basque Country, 2005) and Bachelor in Political Sciences and Administration (University Autonomous of Barcelona, 2004).

My research focuses on the analysis of urban governance strategies in the context of austerity, the dynamics of socio-spatial segregation and emerging forms of innovation in the processes of public policy making and public management . I have also worked around local development, citizen participation and social movements.

Before joining the area of social rights and public policy at the Metròpoli Institute, I was an associate professor in public policy and urban policy and a member of the Center for Urban Research on Austerity at De Monfort University Leicester in the United Kingdom. Later, I was researcher María Zambrano at the Department of Political Sciences and Public Law and the Institute of Government and Public Policies of the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Lucia Cerrada Morato

Lucia Cerrada Morato

Postdoctoral Researcher
Governance and Public Innovation

Lucia Cerrada Morato

PhD in Urban Planning from the Bartlett School of Planning (University College London), with an Executive Programme from the London School of Economics in the Department of Political Science, and Master in Architecture from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid.

My professional career has been developed in the academic field as a professor at University College London and the Open University of Catalonia, and as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Geography at King’s College London. At the same time, I have worked in the private sector as a collective housing project architect, and since 2017 in the public sector, in the local administration of London, researching and developing public policies in housing and urban regeneration projects.

I join the Institut Metròpoli  as a postdoctoral researcher with a Juan de la Cierva grant in the Government and Public Innovation team.


Joan Checa Rius


Joan Checa Rius

Graduated in Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2015). Master in Territorial and Population Studies, UAB (2016), and Master in Urban and Metropolitan Studies UAB-IERMB (2018).

I was a researcher at the Dept. of Geography at the UAB within the Energy, Territory and Society Studies Group (2017-2022) and associate professor at the UAB since September 2017.

Since May 2022 he has been a technician in the mobility area.

My research mainly focuses on the analysis of social and territorial dynamics, as well as their relationship with the energy issue. Main lines: urban segregation; living conditions; housing; mobility; urban planning


Paolo Chevalier

Data Scientist

Paolo Chevalier

PhD in demography at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and a PhD in urban planning and territorial planning at the Universitat Paris-Est, I worked for the consultancy Hove (subsidiary of the transport group Keolis), a French company that uses “Big Data” sources ” to analyze daily mobility in different countries (France, United States, Australia, etc.).

Passionate about data analysis in order to study individual mobility, I work as a “data scientist” in the mobility department of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona.

One of my goals at IERMB is to help my colleagues in the analysis of large complex databases, the development of interactive viewers to analyze results and facilitate the automation of repetitive tasks


Francesc Coll Pujol

Head of Cartography

Francesc Coll Pujol

Degree in Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2005) and Master’s degree in Geographic Information Technologies (2007) carried out at the Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Laboratory (LIGIT), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

I have worked in spatial analysis, map making, digitization and photo interpretation, maintenance of BD and BC, providing technical support to the different projects of the IERMB.

I have been part of the IERMB team since 2007 and I am currently in charge of the cartography area.

More information at the following URL:


Cecilia Conde López

Political scientist
Governance and Public Innovation

Cecilia Conde López

Degree in Political Science and Administration from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona (2012), MSc in Conflict Resolution and Governance and MSc in Latin American Studies from the University of Amsterdam (2014). Specialization in Media and Politics by CLACSO (expected for June 2020).

From the beginning of 2015 until February 2020 I was responsible for the “Institutional policy and citizen participation” system in the Development and Territorial Planning Plan of the municipality of Cuenca (Ecuador).

Teacher of “Conflict Resolution” at the San Francisco University of Quito and at the University of Cuenca (Ecuador).

I am currently part of the Governance and Public Innovation area of the IERMB.


Mari Corominas Pérez

Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona

Mari Corominas Pérez

I am a researcher at the Children’s Institute and I mainly coordinate the research and participation program Boys and Girls Talk: the well-being of children in Barcelona, ​​promoted by Barcelona City Council.

I got my doctorate in psychology, health and quality of life at the University of Girona and I have the accreditation of researcher/lecturer in social sciences from AQU Catalunya. I am also a collaborating professor at the Open University of Catalonia.

He had previously studied at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (masters in educational research and communication after a degree in psychology) and had been on the Superior Council for the Evaluation of the Educational System (Generalitat de Catalunya), apart from having worked directly with children and teenagers





Miquel Correa Secall

Observatori Metropolità de l'Habitatge de Barcelona

Miquel Correa Secall

Doctor in Economics by the Jönköping International Business School (2023), with a thesis structured as a compilation of microeconometric studies on residential mobility from large cities, the acquisition of property housing among the young population and the agricultural ecological transition, from the perspectives theories of urban spatial balance, the new economic geography and rural regeneration.

I join the OHB in the fall of 2023 to lead projects related to housing markets and residential mobility, after a first stage at the IM in the area of ​​regional and urban economy (2016-2017).

Prior to joining the OHB, I professionally complemented the participation in applied economic research projects and teaching in academic environments, with tasks of administration, internationalization, market intelligence and strategic planning, both in the private sector and in the public administration.


Emma Cortés Maurel

Social Pedagogue
Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona

Emma Cortés Maurel

Superior degree in Social Pedagogy from the University of Barcelona (2009), diploma in Social Education from the University of Barcelona (1999), post-graduate degree in Socio-Educational Intervention through Play from the Ramón Llull University (2002) and post-graduate degree in General Management of companies by the Open University of Catalonia (2012).

Professional experience in the direction of socio-educational projects, specialized in the fields of childhood and family, education and play, participation and community, the management of public services and the management of teams in a specialized consultancy and in a cooperative of services attention to both people providing services to the public administration, mainly municipal. I begin my duties as an advisor and coordinator in the area of ​​public policy advocacy with the Bofill Foundation, the Federation of Pedagogical Renewal Movements and the Barcelona Institute of Childhood and Adolescence.

Since May 2018 I have been coordinating projects at the Barcelona Childhood and Adolescence Institute linked to Barcelona City Council which, in January 2019, will be integrated into the IERMB as a specialized unit.

Web page of  Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona


Irene Cruz Gómez

Sociologist and Methodologist
Head of Methodological Innovation

Irene Cruz Gómez

PhD in Sociology from the UAB, Master’s in research methodology and degree in Sociology. I joined the IERMB as a methodologist in 2017, within the area of social and urban cohesion.

My research activity began in 2009 at the Women’s Studies Seminar and the Center for Sociological Studies on Everyday Life and Work.


Laia Curcoll Vallès

Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona

Laia Curcoll Vallès

Master’s degree in Communication Management (UPF, 2014), Master’s degree in advanced journalism, reporting (Ramon Llull, 2009) and Bachelor’s degree in Journalism (UAB, 2006).
I am convinced of the power of communication and its potential for social transformation when it is at the service of the initiatives and organizations that pursue it. In this sense, I am passionate about contributing to making scientific knowledge digestible and making it available to citizens and political decision-makers in order to generate awareness, reflection and concrete improvements for childhood and adolescence.

I worked as a journalist for more than 5 years for different media (such as Diari AVUI, La Vanguardia, El Temps, Diaris Més, TV3 or Ràdio and Televisió d’Andorra, among others) and finally I specialized in the communication of third sector organizations and public administrations. I have worked for Mans Unides, the Catalan Social Voluntary Federation, Lluïsos de Gràcia, the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation, and the Municipal Institute for Disabled Persons of Barcelona City Council, among others.
Since 2016 I have been the head of communication at the Barcelona Institute for Childhood and Adolescence. And I occasionally give training courses on corporate communication.

More info:


Elena Domene Gómez

Environmentalist. Head of Urban Sustainability
Head of Sustainability

Elena Domene Gómez

PhD in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2006), Postgraduate in Environmental Consulting (UAB, 2001) and Bachelor of Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2000).

My research career began at the Department of Geography of the UAB and the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB), with research focused on the urbanization process of the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, the management of the urban water and its socio-environmental and territorial implications. During this period I participated in numerous basic and applied research projects at a local, regional and European scale within the framework of integrated environmental assessment, urban sustainability and urban political ecology.

In February 2007, I joined the IERMB as a researcher working transversally in the areas of mobility and society. In April 2010, when the Sustainability Area was created, I joined it as project manager. My contribution in this area has been made in the preparation of studies in the field of urban metabolism, sustainable mobility and urban and peri-urban agriculture, always with a socio-environmental, integrated and territorial approach. I have also participated directly in the creation of the AMB’s system of urban sustainability indicators (SIMBA). Since March 2017, I have been head of the Sustainable Urban Development Area of the IERMB. I want to investigate what are the socio-environmental inequalities that derive from the current functionally of the metropolitan system, in order to contribute to the definition of more socially and environmentally fairer policies. In this sense, the main lines of research include urban metabolism (energy, water and waste), urban and peri-urban agriculture in the framework of a sustainable agri-food policy and the effects of mobility on pollution and the health of people

More information at the following URL:


Carles Donat Muñoz

Co-director of the Observatori Metropolità de l’Habitatge de Barcelona

Carles Donat Muñoz

PhD in Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

Associate professor in the Department of Geography at the UAB since 2001-2002 and researcher at the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona since 2003, where I have been head of the Territory and Housing areas. I am a member of the Research Group on Energy, Territory and Society Studies (GURB). Since 2017 I have been head of projects at the Barcelona Housing Observatory.

In recent years, I have published more than twenty articles in academic and dissemination journals and book chapters. I have worked on numerous projects for public administrations and taught in master’s programs at various university centers.

Researcher at the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona (IERMB) since 2004, where I  have collaborated in the following projects:
– Plan Delta Observatory.
– Labor market agreements in the province of Barcelona.
– Reorganization of the Health Map of the Health Region of Barcelona.
– Impact of logistics platforms on the territory.
– Characteristics of housing supply and demand in Barcelona in the metropolitan context.
– Characteristics of the supply and demand of activity estates in Catalonia.

Associate Professor in the Geography Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona since the 2001-2002 academic year, teaching the following subjects:
– Geography of the metropolitan region of Barcelona.
– Political and administrative geography: The administrative map of Catalonia.
– Political and administrative geography: Territorial conflicts in Catalonia.
– Territorial planning.


Iman El Kabiri Ouarqui

Data Analyst
Social and Urban Cohesion

Iman El Kabiri Ouarqui

About to graduate from the Double Degree in Criminology and Law and with a lot of interest in quantitative methodology, I joined the staff of the Social and Urban Cohesion area of the IERMB to participate in several team projects.

However, it is not my first contact with the Institute since I was an internship student in 2020.


Marc Fíguls Sierra

Regional and urban economics

Marc Fíguls Sierra

Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona (2008). Master’s degree in Regional and Local Finance from the University of Barcelona (2011). The areas in which I work are the labor market and the regional and urban economy.

Since July 2006 I have been part of the team of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona as a researcher in the Area of Regional and Urban Economy.


Vittorio Galletto

Head of Regional and urban economics

Vittorio Galletto

Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1996). Master’s degree in Applied Economics from the Department of Applied Economics at the UAB (1999). PhD in Economics from the UAB (2014). The areas in which I work are the regional and urban economy, local productive systems and innovation.

Before joining the IERMB, I worked in the Department of Applied Economics at the UAB as an associate professor and researcher. I have also worked in the private sector in consulting and professional services companies carrying out local development projects for different City Councils, Provincial Councils and other public bodies.

Since July 2009 I have been part of the team of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona as a researcher and since 2011 I have been Head of the Regional and Urban Economy Area.

Àlex Giménez De La Prada

Àlex Giménez de la Prada

Neighbourliness and Urban Safety

Àlex Giménez de la Prada

Sociologist in the urban security and coexistence area of Institut Metròpolis. PhD in Analytical Sociology (Linköping University 2021). MSc in Applied Methodology for Social Research (Autonomous U Barcelona/U Barcelona 2016). Degree in Sociology (Autonomous U Barcelona 2014).

Interested in micro-macro dynamics. I have been a post-doctoral researcher at the U Bremen (2022-2024) and the U Linköping (2021), where I conducted studies on residential segregation and mobility using Swedish registry and mobile phone data. I also collaborate as a scientific researcher in impact studies of guaranteed income policy schemes with GSADI (Autonomous U Barcelona).


Ricard Gomà Carmona

Political scientist. Director
Director of the Institut Metròpoli

Ricard Gomà Carmona

Academic qualification:

Degree in Law (University of Barcelona, 1987). Master in Public Policy (University of Strathclyde, Scotland, 1989). Master in Urban, Regional and Metropolitan Studies (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1990). PhD in Political Science and Administration (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 1992).

Teaching and Research Activity:

Full Professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Law (UAB), since 1993. He has taught degrees and degrees in Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Environmental Sciences and Law, all of them at the UAB.

I have taught in several postgraduate programs, among the main ones: PhDs in political science and masters in public policies at the UAB, UPF, UB and the Universities of the Basque Country, Seville and Salamanca. I have taught in doctoral and postgraduate programs at several European and Latin American universities, including the main ones (Warwick and Bath in the United Kingdom; Torino; México DF; Managua; Maracaibo and Belo Horizonte).

I have been a visiting and invited professor at several European and Latin American universities (England, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Brazil)

Main fields where I have developed public basic research projects: public policy analysis (welfare states and urban policies in the EU and Latin America); local government and municipal policies; democratic innovation, citizen participation and social movements.

More information at the following URL:


Núria Gómez García

Social and Urban Cohesion

Núria Gómez García

Graduated in Sociology (University of Barcelona, ​​2021) and postgraduate in Data Analyst for political analysis and public management (University of Barcelona, ​​2022).
In 2020 I join the Social and Urban Cohesion Area of ​​the IERMB.


Carlos González Murciano

Data Management

Carlos González Murciano

Diploma in Social Work (UB, 1999), Postgraduate Diploma in Citizen Security Governance (UOC, 2010), Bachelor in Anthropology (UAB, 2012), Master in Territorial and Population Studies with specialization in Demography (UAB, 2013).

Since 2002 I have been a researcher at the IERMB, currently I am part of the team in charge of the Victimization and Safety Opinion Survey of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (EVAMB) and the Coexistence Survey and of Neighborhood Relations (ECAMB).


Laia Herrera Pujol

Social Rights and Public Policies

Laia Herrera Pujol

Degree in History (UB), Postgraduate in Citizen Participation (UAB) and Master’s in Gender and Equality (UAB). I work in the design and analysis of local educational policies in the field of post-compulsory education.

My areas of work are the dynamism of participation spaces for debate and reflection with the educational community and support and advice in the design of strategies to promote the continuity of educational trajectories and against school dropout.


Joffre López Oller

Observatori Metropolità de l'Habitatge de Barcelona

Joffre López Oller

Degree in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1997), Master’s in Social Policies and Housing from Pompeu Fabra University and Johns Hopkins University (2001).

I have accumulated more than twenty years working in the field of housing and the labor market from the public sector (local and regional), the private sector and the third social sector.

For eleven years I was a technician at the former Secretariat of Housing and Urban Improvement, contributing to the preparation of official housing statistics and the quantitative exploitation of administrative records.


Marc Martí Costa

Head of Governance and Public Innovation

Marc Martí Costa

Degree in sociology from the University of Barcelona (2000) and doctorate in public policies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2010).

I have specialized in the analysis of local policies, especially in the field of urban planning and participation, and in the study of urban governance. See publications:

I currently collaborate as a teacher in the UOC’s Master’s in Urbanism and City and the IERMB’s Metropolis Master’s. He has been a full professor at Flacso Ecuador in the Master of Urban Studies.

In 2017 I started as a researcher in the Social Cohesion Area of the IERMB and since 2018 I have been responsible for the Governance and Public Innovation Area of the same Institute.


Daniel Martínez Bou

Computer scientist
Head of Computer Science

Daniel Martínez Bou

Technical Computer Systems Engineer (UPC, 2009).

I started in web development in 2004, since then I have developed different projects; educational web applications, e-commerce and LMS. I have also had experience working as a developer for private sector companies on ERP platforms and in web portal maintenance and migration teams.

I have been part of the  Institut Metròpoli team since 2020 and I am currently the organization’s IT manager.


Juan Carlos Migoya Martínez


Juan Carlos Migoya Martínez

Degree in History and Geography from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1989). Official Master in Public Management (2012), inter-university program coordinated by the UAB, with the participation of Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Barcelona.

Before joining the IERMB, I worked in the Department of Applied Economics of the UAB as a departmental manager, carrying out the following responsibilities: responsible for the department’s administrative unit; support and advice to the Directorate in the definition and implementation of the general lines of the economic, teaching and research policy; preparation and management of the operating budget; administrative coordination and academic and economic management of the Doctorate Program in Applied Economics (Mention of quality from the Ministry of Science and Innovation 2003-2010); promotion and technical and economic management of R+D+i projects and knowledge transfer agreements.

Since September 2010 I have been the manager of the Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies in Barcelona, collaborating with the Management in the execution of the agreements of the governing bodies and administering and managing the institute and its staff.


Dolors Miñarro Choclán

Management Secretary
Documentation Center Manager, Responsible for the Master, Secretary of Direction

Dolors Miñarro Choclán


Miriam Montané Goetzengerger

Political scientist and sociologist
Social Rights and Public Policies

Miriam Montané Goetzengerger

Graduated in Political Sciences and Administration from the University of Barcelona (2008), graduated in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (2016) and Master in International Relations, Security and Development from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2010) and graduated in tourism by the University of Barcelona (2004).

Before joining the Metropolis Institute, I worked as a Public Policy consultant for Urban Quality Strategies (EQU). Previously, he had done research work for the UAB in the GEMOTT research group of the UAB and at the UB for specific projects. I also worked as a technician at the German Government Delegation in Berlin.

Since November 2020 I have been part of the IM in the Social Rights and Public Policies Area of ​​Barcelona City Council in the Aging Services department.


Raúl Morcillo López


Raúl Morcillo López

Diploma in Statistics (University of Barcelona) and Graduate in Research and Market Techniques (Open University of Catalonia).

I have been acting as a Data Analysis Technician for 18 years in market research projects in the banking, telecommunications and food sectors.

In September 2021 I joined the statistics area of ​​the IERMB as a Statistical Technician.


Marta Murrià Sangenís

Head of Neighbourliness and Urban Safety

Marta Murrià Sangenís

BA in Sociology (University of Barcelona, June 2002). Master in Criminology, Crime and Security Policies (University of Barcelona, 2013).

His lines of analysis focus mainly on applied research oriented to the design of prevention policies in the field of urban security and conviviality, especially those related to the design and application of surveys and other tools to measure and analyze victimization, perception of security, neighborhood relations and the social use of spaces.


Lara Navarro-Varas

Social and Urban Cohesion

Lara Navarro-Varas

PhD in sociology (UAB, 2019), MSc in Labour and Social Policy (UAB, 2012), Specialist in Applied Social Research and Data Analysis (CIS, 2007) and BA in Sociology (UAB, 2003).

Since 2008, I have been part of the Institut Metròpoli conducting academic and applied research projects on poverty, inequality and social stratification, as well as on local welfare policies.


Anna Oliva López

Head of Communication

Anna Oliva López

Journalist specialized in Corporate Communication and Social Media Strategies.

I started my professional career in the media, such as Betevé, Ràdio Barcelona and RAC1. Subsequently, I have been in charge of communication for several institutions and projects.

Among them, I have assumed the direction of the communication of several departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya and recently of Education 360, a project promoted by the Bofill Foundation, the area of ​​education of the Diputació de Barcelona and the Movements of Pedagogical Renewal .

Degree in Journalism (UAB), Postgraduate in Community Manager & Social Media (UB) and Master in Scientific Communication (UPF).

More information at:


Telephone 634.61.40.66


Twitter @annaolival


Núria Pérez Sans

Head of Mobility

Núria Pérez Sans

Degree in Geography (URV 2001). Postgraduate in Mobility Planning and Management (UPC-UPF 2007).

I started my professional career in the field of private consultancy, participating in the drafting of studies on territorial planning, transport and mobility. Later, from the local administration in relation to urban mobility, I worked at the Mollet del Vallès Town Council and also at the Barcelona Provincial Council as a technician in the Infrastructure, Urbanism and Housing Area.

Since 2005 I have worked at the Metropoli Institute where I develop applied research studies on the analysis of the population’s behavior and needs based on mobility surveys, the planning and management of metropolitan and urban mobility; the processing and analysis of transport databases; the writing of manuals and methodological guides.

I am currently participating in the drafting of documents and studies derived from the Metropolitan Urban Mobility Plan of the AMB, as well as research studies on the mobility patterns of the population.


Abril Phillips Hoeffner


Abril Phillips Hoeffner

BA in Political Science from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) with a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Barcelona with the Columbia Journalism School.

I have developed my professional career in several projects, both in the educational field, in the media and others, contributing my experience as a journalist, editor and content manager in social networks.

Currently, I am part of the communications team of the Institute’s Sustainability area, contributing to promote awareness about the importance of biodiversity and to encourage commitment to a more sustainable future.


Laia Pineda Rüegg

Director of Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona

Laia Pineda Rüegg

Autonomous University of Barcelona graduate in Sociology (1996), with a postgraduate in Local and regional development from the University of Barcelona (2001) and a specific training on Leadership and Social Innovation for NGO’s from ESADE-URL (2015).

I began my career as a freelance consultant, completing several studies for different city councils around Barcelona. After a brief time working in the local Public Administration, she began her work at the Jaume Bofill Foundation, coordinating the panel survey “Social Inequalities in Catalonia” (2001-2012). After the panel survey project, she combined the coordination of several research projects in education (families, local government, university, social inequalities,…) with evaluation and information systems projects for the same Foundation.

From 2016-on, I am the project manager at the Institut d’Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona, a specialized unit within the Institute of Regional Metropolitan Studies of Barcelona with autonomous management. She is responsible for the deployment of the projects The children have their say, a project for learning about the wellbeing of children in the city based on their point of view and with them as the focus of attention, and  BCN 0-17 Observatory a Barcelona City Council tool for analyzing, monitoring and consulting data relating to childhood and adolescence in the city.



Manel Pons Sanvidal

Statistician. Head of statistics
Head of Statistics

Manel Pons Sanvidal

Master’s in Statistics (UPC, 2012), Graduate in Research and Market Techniques (UB, 2006), Diploma in Statistics (UB, 2002).

Since 2002 I have been a researcher at the Metròpoli Institute and since 2008 I have been an associate professor at the University of Barcelona within the applied economics area of ​​the Dept. of Econometrics, Statistics and Spanish Economy.

I am a specialist in the techniques of obtaining, quality, management and analysis of data and information using multivariate techniques.


Sergio Porcel López

Head of Social and Urban Cohesion

Sergio Porcel López

PhD in Sociology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​2016), Master in Applied Social Research Techniques (Autonomous University of Barcelona and University of Barcelona, ​​2005) and Bachelor in Political Science and Sociology (University of Granada, 2002).

My lines of research focus mainly on the field of urban sociology, on the study of social stratification, inequality and poverty and on social research methods.

Since 2005 I have worked as a researcher at the Institut Metròpoli, ​​where I have recently developed several studies on the living conditions of the metropolitan population and on the dynamics of socio-residential structuring and its effects in terms of cohesion social and urban.

More information at:


Twitter: @serporcel


Laura Porzio

Social Rights and Public Policies

Laura Porzio

I have a PhD in Social Anthropology from Rovira i Virgili University (2009), with a thesis on youth cultures, migrations and body biographies. Juan de la Cierva post-doctoral researcher 2010-2013 at the Anthropology Department of the CSIC-Barcelona. I worked for years on the theoretical-methodological perspective of Body and Gender Anthropology in youth cultures and street organizations in public space.

Currently my lines of work focus on applied research and qualitative evaluation in social care models to accompany and improve innovation in intervention practices and increase the impact and reduction of social inequalities.

Since 2018, I have combined research and technical coordination tasks with teaching, as an associate professor of social anthropology at the School of Social Work at the UB, and of qualitative research methods at the UOC psychology degree.


Maria Pruna i Bassa

Mathematician and statistician

Maria Pruna i Bassa

Bachelor in Mathematics (2013) and Statistics (2015) by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

I have been part of statistical support teams in research and innovation projects in medical areas (2013 and 2015-2017); patterns of water consumption (2013-2015); and market research (2015-2017).

I have been working in the Statistics area of IERMB since June 2017.


Elisabet Queralt Blanch

Expert in Suport Staff
Work Field

Elisabet Queralt Blanch

In 1993, I join the Institut Metròpoli as part of the team responsible for the Survey on Victimization and Opinion about Safety of Barcelona and its Metropolitan Area.

I  have also coordinated the field work of various studies carried out by the Institut Metròpoli, such as the Public Safety Survey of Catalonia, the Survey on Mobility on working days, the Survey on Daily Mobility’06, and the Survey on Male Violence.


Reyes Ramírez Gómez

Administration & HR

Reyes Ramírez Gómez

Graduated in Geology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2000.

My professional career has been mainly in the field of administration and personnel administration.

Currently, I am part of the administration and HR department of the Institut Metròpoli and is in charge of the Institute’s Transparency Portal.


Frederic Romea Moya

Social Rights and Public Policies

Frederic Romea Moya

Postgraduate in Data Analysis for Public Policy research at the University of Barcelona (2017) and degree in Sociology (Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​2011).

I am an external consultant for the Research and Knowledge Department of the Social Rights Area of ​​Barcelona City Council.

I am currently part of the Research and Knowledge Department of the Social Rights Area of ​​Barcelona City Council in an agreement with the Institut Metròpoli where I work on projects related to urban poverty, social inclusion and data analysis for the design and evaluation of public policies.

I have also worked as a consultant on multiple research projects involving public sector data analysis in fields such as education and social work.


Ana Romero Fernández

Governance and Public Innovation

Ana Romero Fernández

Graduated in Sociology (University of Barcelona, ​​2022) and studying the Master of Sociology: Social Transformations and Innovation (University of Barcelona).

In 2023, I joined the Social and Urban Cohesion Area of ​​the Metropolis Institute as a trainee with a broad interest in the study of socio-spatial segregation and social cohesion.

In 2024 I have the opportunity to remain with this same team and continue my training in the field of urban sociology.


Ana Romero Valle

Head of Administration & HR

Ana Romero Valle

Degree in Business Administration and Management (UAB, 2012) and Diploma in Business Science (UAB, 2010).

I have been part of the Institut Metròpoli Administration team since 2004 and I am currently responsible for the Accounting and Human Resources department.


Miquel Rueda Garcia

City Manager

Miquel Rueda Garcia

Graduated in management of smart and sustainable cities (UAB 2021). Master in territorial studies and planning (UAB 2022).

I started as an intern at the IERMB in February 2022 participating in reports related to the Feiner Daytime Mobility Survey (EMEF).

From then on, I was part of the institute’s mobility team as a mobility technician working on various projects.


Núria Ruiz Forés


Núria Ruiz Forés

Master in Statistics and Operations Research (UPC & UB, 2012), Master in Marketing Management (ESERP, 2005), Degree in Marketing and Market Research (UB, 2004) and Degree in Statistics (UB, 2002).

Before joining the Institut Metròpoli, I have worked in the private sector in consulting companies as an analyst statistician of market studies, designing questionnaires, coordinating field work processes, controlling the quality of information and as analysing the data.

Since February 2007, I have been part of the team of the Institut Metròpoli as a Statistician. I am currently the main statistician of the Area of Coexistence and Urban Safety, and carries out the analysis of the Victimization Survey of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and the Public Safety Survey of Catalonia, among other.

Since 2018, I am associate professor in the University of Barcelona, at the Dept. of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economics.


Albert Sales Campos

Political scientist
Head of Social Rights and Public Policies

Albert Sales Campos

PhD in Criminology (Pompeu Fabra University, 2018). Diploma in Specialized Higher Studies in Sociology (University of Barcelona, ​​2007). Master in Public and Social Policies (Pompeu Fabra University and The Johns Hopkins University, 2004). Degree in Political Science and Administration (Pompeu Fabra University, 2001).

Associate professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) from the academic year 2004-2005. He has also been an associate professor at the Department of Public Law of the University of Girona.

I have given classes in postgraduate and master studies, among which the Master’s in Public and Social Policies of the Pompeu Fabra University and The Johns Hopkins University, the Master in Public Services and Social Policies of the University of Salamanca.

My main area of ​​research is social exclusion in urban areas. He has participated and coordinated applied research projects for international development cooperation entities, for organizations in the third social sector and for Spanish public administrations.

I have advised the social services of the Barcelona City Council in the analysis of poverty and social exclusion and in the development of policies for inclusion and the reduction of inequalities.


Alicia Sánchez Mora


Alicia Sánchez Mora

Degree in Marketing and Market Research (UAB, 2010) and Degree in Statistics (UAB, 1999).

I have been working as a technical Statistician for the multinational Company Mango and since September 2006 I am Statistician as part of the team of the Institut Metròpoli, where she worked in the diverses surveys from all the Areas, specially in the Survey on living conditions.


Mar Satorras Grau


Mar Satorras Grau

PhD in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2017) (International Honors), Master in Climate Change and Global Environmental Change (UAB, 2012), degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (URV, 2013) and degree in Environmental Sciences (UAB, 2010).

My research focuses on socio-environmental transformations to deal with climate change and global change, particularly in urban contexts. Starting from an interdisciplinary perspective, I have combined the geographical and historical analysis of socio-ecological systems with ethnographic, qualitative and quantitative techniques. My main research interests are urban climate and water governance, vulnerability and adaptation to hydro-climatic risks, environmental history and just eco-social transitions.

Since 2017, I have been part of the Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory (TURBA Lab) of the UOC, where I have worked as a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher and as a teacher in the Master of Cities and Urbanism. In March 2022 I joined the Urban Sustainability team of the IERMB, focusing on the lines of climate change and the urban water cycle.


Berta Sellarès

Project manager
Head of Project Management

Berta Sellarès

With experience as a manager of European projects, she joins the Institut Metròpoli as a project manager.

Graduated in Humanities (2017), with a master’s degree in Educational Anthropology at Aarhus University (2020) and currently a doctoral student in Educational Sociology at the UAB Education and Work Research Group (GRET).

Participate in the design, application, control, monitoring and compliance of all the technical and economic achievements of the competitive research projects of the different areas of the Institut Metròpoli.


Mireia Sender Martí

Observatori Metropolità de l'Habitatge de Barcelona

Mireia Sender Martí

Architect licensed by the Escola Técnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès, UPC (2018, graduated with honours). Postgraduate in Housing Policies from the Sert School, COAC (2020), Social and Urban Research Techniques Course (2019) and Metropolis Master in Urban and Metropolitan Studies (2022, graduated with honours) from the IERMB, UAB

Expert in housing policies and metropolitan dynamics in the field of social sciences, I have developed in the public sector –Urban Planning Department, AMB– and the private sector –Cooperativa d’Arquitectura Arqbag–, I have collaborated in various exhibitions and dialogue tables between local bodies and citizens in the field of architecture and territorial planning and I have done academic stays in Rome.


Tarik Serrano Tovar


Tarik Serrano Tovar

PhD in Environmental Sciences, MsC in Ecological Economics and currently research technician in the area of Ecology and Territory at the IERMB.

My research topics have focused in the development of analytical methods using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analisis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM). Specifically, I have worked on the analysis of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, especially applied to rural systems, and incorporating Geographic Information System (GIS) tools.

I have worked in projects studying different countries like India, Lao, Guatemala, USA, Ecuador and diverse European countries.


Cristina Sobrino Garcés

Neighbourliness and Urban Safety

Cristina Sobrino Garcés

I have developed my career in national and international projects in security and prevention policies and in the field of social exclusion for the public administration and third sector entities. My lines of research focus mainly on applied research aimed at the design of prevention policies in the field of urban security and coexistence, especially based on knowledge and measurement instruments on phenomena such as victimization, social construction of insecurity, neighborhood relations, social use of spaces, gender violence and social exclusion.

I have been an associate professor at the Department of Public Policy at the UPF (2009-2021) and at the Department of Criminal Law at the UDG (2012-2021) and also at the Master’s in Public and Social Policy at Pompeu Fabra University and The John Hopkins University . He is currently working on the degree in Criminology at UOC and with the Metropolis Master at the UAB.

My training: Postgraduate degree in data analysis for public management in R (2021, UB); PhD in Criminology (2017, UPF); Master’s in Criminology and Criminal Execution (UPF, 2012); Diploma in Higher Studies Specialized in Theory and Methodology of the Social Sciences (UAB 2008) and Degree in Sociology (UAB, 2004).


Noel Sotelo Fernández

Political scientist
Governance and Public Innovation

Noel Sotelo Fernández

Degree in Political Science and Administration from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2008), Master’s in Public and Social Policy from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona and the Johns Hopkins University (2010) and Master’s in Research in Political Science from the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona (2015).

My professional career develops mainly in the field of consultancy and technical project management in both the third social sector and the private sector, and I have experience in applied research.

I am currently part of the Governance and Public Innovation Area of ​​the Metròpoli Institute as a Researcher.


Gemma Solé Massó


Gemma Solé Massó

Degree in Geography (2003) from the UAB and Master in Mobility Planning and Management (2009) from the UPC and UPF. In 2021 I studied the first edition of the Postgraduate in Urbanism and Health: Urban Planning as a Health Tool for the UPC.

I have worked in the field of urban mobility since 2004 in different sectors: university research group, research center linked to public administration and private consultancy. My tasks have focused on the development of mobility, accessibility and territory studies from a social and environmental sustainability perspective, as well as the management and analysis of mobility surveys, including the Survey of Mobility in Dia Feiner (EMEF) since the 2019 edition. My professional relationship with the Institut Metròpoli dates back to 2005.

Elisa Stinus Bru De Sala

Elisa Stinus Bru de Sala

Political scientist
Institut Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona

Elisa Stinus Bru de Sala

Coordinator of the 2021-2030 Children’s Plan and the 0-17 BCN Observatory of the Institut Infància i Adolescence de Barcelona (IIAB-Institut Metròpoli) from 2021.

I have a PhD in public policies and social transformation with a thesis on policies of reconciliation of family and work time (UAB, international internship at the University of Oslo), Master’s in public management (UAB-UB-UPF), Master’s in social and community policies (UAB) and Bachelor’s degree in public policies (UAB, internship at Paris City Hall).

I have experience as a consultant since 2004 in the analysis, design, participation and dynamism of public policies, especially in the areas of childhood, time use, education, care and gender equality.

Twitter: @elisastinus /



Andreu Termes López

Governance and Public Innovation

Andreu Termes López

I am post-doctoral fellow at the Institut Metròpoli and, also, a member of the GEPS (Globalization, Education and Social Policies) and GIPE research groups (Interdisciplinary Group on Education Policies) since 2012.

My main interest deals with privatization of education and accountability policies, political economy of educational reforms, and segregation and social closure processes.

Alexandra Emanuela TUDOSA

Alexandra Emanuela Tudosa

Administration & HR

Alexandra Emanuela Tudosa

Graduated in Management and Public Administration from the University of Barcelona (2018).

My professional career has always been linked to the field of management and public administration, in various institutions such as the Diputació de Barcelona or AMB Information and Services.

I am currently an administrative technician at the Barcelona Metropolitan Housing Observatory and the Barcelona Institute of Childhood and Adolescence, two units within the Institut Metròpoli consortium.


Ana Vicente Olmo

Social Rights and Public Policies

Ana Vicente Olmo

PhD and degree in Sociology from the UCM and Master in Sociocultural Analysis of Communication and Knowledge (UCM). I have carried out research stays at the Open University of
Catalonia (UOC) and the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies of the University of Sydney.

I have been a collaborating professor of the subject “Social Structure and Inequalities” at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and I am part of the Contemporary Sociocultural Studies Group (GRESCO) and the Instituto Complutense de Sociologia para el Estudio de lasTransformaciones Social (TRANSOC).

My lines of research focus on the study of social stratification processes and the associated inequalities, with special attention to those linked to gender. Other areas where he has researched have to do with professional training, the labor market and employment, the social determinants of health and the analysis of intimacy and partner relationships.

Previously, I have worked as a research technician at the FP Observatory of the BCN Professional Training Foundation and as a coordinator and consultant, developing applied social research projects, mainly linked to and the advice, design and evaluation of public policies .

Since April 2023 I have been part of the Metropoli Institute team as a researcher in the Social Rights and Public Policies Area.


Marc Vila Recio


Marc Vila Recio

Degree in Geography from the University of Barcelona (2000) and Master in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems from the Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya and the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (2001).

I have worked in the field of private consultancy and also in public companies. My field of professional action is focused on mobility, geoinformation, cartography and GIS technologies applied to projects. I have also worked in the areas of urban, territorial and environmental planning, in logistics and transport and in the planning of sectors of economic activity.

Since April 2022 I have been part of the team of the Institut Metròpoli as a researcher in the area of ​​mobility, although I had already worked at the Institute in previous stages

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