TheMetropolis  Institute carries out its activities in  the field  of research, transfer, training and co-creation of knowledge. All this linkst to the social, residential, ecological, economic and territorial dynamics of the area and the metropolitan region of Barcelona, as well as to their interaction with the whole of Catalonia and the European sphere.


The activity of the Metropolis Instituteis aimed at promoting support and innovation in public policies and social practices, to move towards a sustainable, inclusive and shared prosperity model.  Genergize and share networked knowledge for the progress of a creative, polycentric and resilient metropolis that is moving towards socio-spatial justice, ecological transition and democratic governance.

We do this, through three different types of projects:

  • Knowledge infrastructures (surveys) that produce a stable metropolitan information system
  • Applied research projects aimed at the diagnosis and analysis of the main metropolitan dynamics and innovation and support for public policies
  • Basic research projects, through European and national networks

Currently, we promote more than 100 applied research projects per year. In terms  of  basic research, it has been notably strengthened and we are now participating in 6 SGR, 17 competitive research projects (8 EU; 9 State).

We carry out the research activity, based on 10 thematic areas: social and urban cohesion; coexistence and urban security;  social rights and public policies;  childhood and adolescence; housing;  regional and urban economy; mobility; urban sustainability; ecology and territory; governance and  public innovation.

Two of the thematic areas are deployed, through two autonomous units: the Metropolitan Housing Observatory and the Institute for Children and Adolescents of Barcelona. In addition, seven transversal services are working on it  that offer support to research: cartography;  communication;  statistics; management and human resources;  computer science;  methodological innovation;  fieldwork and research support. The Institute also develops  the Barcelona Metropolitan Indicators System (SIMBA) and  the Cartographic Base of Equipment in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. The Metropolis Institute participates in several international research networks.


The Metropolis Institute is committed to the diffuse and or the processes and results of the research. Dissemination is articulated through:

  • the institute’s stable publications: Papers magazine, Metropolitan Yearbook, AMB in Figures, Electronic newsletter…
  • spaces and tools for debate: Metropolis Space
  • The documentation service
  • the Institute’s external communication channels: Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, website
  • media



The Institute  and the Autonomous University of Barcelona offer the Master’s Degree in Urban and Metropolitan Studies, as a UAB-specific degree, of 60 credits.

TheMetropolis Institute, together with the IGOP (UAB), offer the course Ciudades en crisis y nuevas políticas urbanas, through the MOOCS (Massive Open On-line Course) online platform.

You can download the following documents:

Metropolis Institute Strategy 2024-2027
Work Plan Institut Metropoli 2024
Work Plan 2024. Deployment report (Council September 2024)


Metròpoli Institute has its social headquarters in the Bellaterra campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).

Autonomous University of Barcelona(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Campus of Bellaterra
Plaça del Coneixement, edifici MRA, p. 2
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)


tel.: 93 586 88 80

Opening hours for the public: 8-15h

Contact form

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