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45ava Conferencia Europea del Transporte, Barcelona, 2017

Fecha de realización:


Carles Conill (AMB), Elena Domene, Marta Garcia-Sierra, Joan Marull y Maite Pérez:

Modelling the Impacts of Mobility on Urban Air Quality and Health: Scenario Analysis for the Barcelona MetropolitanArea (Metropolitan Mobility Plan-PMMU)

Maite Pérez, Núria Perez-Sans y Gemma Solé:

Commuting trips in the metropolitan area of Barcelona: travel behaviour, socio-environmental impacts and policy assessment

Maite Pérez y Núria Pérez-Sans:

Effectiveness of transport social fares and special transport services in the Barcelona metropolitan area 

Maite Pérez, Manel Pons, Elena Domene y Marta Garcia-Sierra:

Quantification of the emissions from personal mobility. Estimation based on general mobility surveys

Maite Pérez, Manel Pons, Elisabeth Queralt y Jorge Cátedra:

Treatment and cleaning data in mobility surveys