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Boost to participative governance in the AMB

Any de realització: 2022

Equip: Marc Martí-Costa (dir.), Cecilia Conde

Institució: Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona

This report continues the line of research related to the improvement of metropolitan participation developed by the area of ​​governance and public policies of the IERMB. Specifically, this document is the continuation of the reports “The institutionalization of citizen participation in metropolitan areas: Lessons learned for the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona” (2020) and “A participation policy for the AMB (2022)” ; and is nourished by the DEMOC project “Participation and Metropolis: Deepening metropolitan participation”, in which the IERMB has participated.

This document presents a proposal to advance the consolidation of participatory governance policy at the metropolitan scale of Barcelona; a policy enabled by the current legal framework, politically supported according to the government agreement and the PAM for the 2019-2023 mandate, and which has shown progress in the form of processes, bodies and other participatory mechanisms. At this point, therefore, a new impulse in the direction of advancing and deepening the participation policy of the AMB is considered relevant and necessary.

Report: Boost to participative governance in the AMB

Presentation of results: Participatory governance at the AMB